This delicacy from the Dominican Republic is said to be an aphrodisiac for both male and female. The drink contains honey, red wine, rum, tree bark and herbs. It is similar to port wine with its deep red color, some people call it "homemade Viagra".
Fill up 3/4 of the mamajuana with vino tinto (red wine) and remaining 1/4 with honey (miel de abejas)for two weeks (store in a dark place for potency) . After that throw away all the liquids, now add up to 3/4 White Rum and the remaining 1/4 honey (miel de abejas) also if you like add some vanilla beans, cloves, cinnamon sticks or the rum of your choice. Bacardi, Brugal, Barcelo, Bermudez or what you have available...
Mama Juana